Saturday, July 4, 2009

How to Take Responsibility & Stop Blaming Others

Most experts agree, taking personal responsibility for yourself is not only the adult thing to do, it's the right thing to do and one of the only ways you can remain the happy, healthy person you want to be.

What Happens if You Don't Take Personal Responsibility?

You know you are not accepting personal responsibility if you do the opposite: blame others for your problems, life situation, hardships, character flaws, and just about everything and anything else. Rather than accepting the "blame" or responsibility for how your life is, you make excuses. Everything and anybody is to blame -- except yourself.

Sound familiar? You may be blaming others more than you think. Have you ever:


Blamed traffic/truck drivers/slow drivers for being late to an appointment?

Blamed your hectic schedule for the reason you've put on a couple of pounds?

Blamed your spouse for your bad day?

People who take responsibility, on the other hand, would have handled these situations as follows:


Admitted that they should have left a few minutes earlier for their appointment.

Acknowledged that, while being stressed because of a busy time, they've been skipping the gym and eating junk food more often.

Accepted that no one is to blame for their bad day, other than themselves.

When you constantly blame others, view yourself as a victim and feel others are causing all of your hardships, you inevitably surround yourself with anger, resentment and negative thoughts -- all of which are surefire ways to bring on fatigue, sadness, stress and even chronic disease.